Tuesday, May 25, 2021

The T.E.T. - Just got 'even more' challenging.(who mentioned fries?)

 Greetings. Albert here. Bringing jottings to those that are 'Super Wokies'. Yes, awake beyond woke and fully functioning with enough grey matter to pause facebook even for a couple of minutes and look beyond. Aye, beyond 'likes' and 'tags' and back into the mists of time. Back when news was in newspapers and men took a flask and jam sandwiches to work for lunch.....Cut thick and if lucky ya got tha' crust. I'm shaking of head and tut tuttin' to those morning snowflakies that call at McDonalds for a flat Mcwhite on the way to work....F.F.S. 'Ain't ya got a kettle, cup and a splash of milk in ya house?

Anyway....Whats happening in The 'Shire' you may well ask. Aye, life as we know it Jim is on daily repeat. Covid19 variants are on the rise. Huh, how come Jim? 'Well 'cos we're an island we keep our borders open......Come on in!!! Come on in!!!!..No checks...we love Covid19.....no discrimination on variants....all welcome.......

One day though it will all be over and ya Uncle Albert will set off on his quest to ride part of the T.E.T.. Maybe sooner possibly later but as I write these words my preperation hasn't slackened. Gotta be ready for the getgo. (and hopefully the mud and rocks)

So, I've been cleaning and greasing another small part of  'The Blauwe Muis. Not a part that makes young wenches go weak at the knees when they see it but an important part of any motorcyclists journey. Underated till ya without such a thing then ya proper would wish ya had one. No, not a gallon of petrol but equally important. A centre stand !!!! Where would thee be without a motorcycle centre stand. Well, ya'd be looking for a friendly tree or ya'd have to hold on ta ya machine whilst ya mate goes int'a chip shop ta get yurs. Wot will it be? Once wi scraps and a squirt o' finest malt vinegar please missus 'n' I'll 'ave um ta eat now. 

(A gallon?  = Old Blighty Imperial measurement = 4.5ltrs)

The Blauwe Muis centre stand had been neglected, time for a thorough fettle. 

 Steel fittings badly rusted and alloy casting covered in a layer of sticky mineral oil. Using a small quantity of my Bio De-rusting mixture to soak the rusty parts in for a few days gave good results. These were then sprayed with several hits of rattle-can clear coat. Yep, not gonna last for ever but hey we ain't creating a trailer queen, this is a T.E.T. attacker, built in the spririt of the late 60's early 70's I.S.D.T.s The casting was washed in solvent then given a good buzzin in the sonic bath. Last job before assembly I fit 2 x grease nipples to help force lubrication onto the pivot shaft after a hard day on the trail. Remember- a greased sidestand is a happy working sidestand, and a working sidestand means no missed friteries whilst on the trail. Win-Win.

Here's a question - How many of you have seen fries stabbed to death in a Friterie? Let me tell you once seen can't be unseen....stuck with the sight for life. My first stabbing experience took place at N18, Steegstraat 107, 2490 Balen. The year 2009.  Blimey, a huge wrapping of fries savagely attacked in front of a shop full of customers. The locals seemed ok with the violence, shock horror for a guy from 'The Shire'.  Steam pouring out of the slashes.. It worked though, not a soggy one amongst 'um when taken back to base.... 


Note to self - check fries carry capacity of Blauwe Muis.

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