Thursday, October 21, 2021

Competition Fabricating No2-Part3

 'Tis I'!!!  Back again....update part 3 of the T.E.T. competition exhaust with added Mr Grumpy ramblings. Nay, mark my words dear friends I'm no old stick 'n mud, but as an approved blogger prophet writing prophecies for the Vintafake Brotherhood be aware w'at be w'itten here first will certainly come to pass. (A prophecy (noun) is a prediction issued by a prophet.) Hail don't be part of the world social decline I ask you, build a shed, try talking face to face wi ya chums and do summat wi what ya was born wi' Aye! Ya mind and hands, stop sitting on ya fat arses with a gob full of Greggs trans fats!!!!!

Tell ya what....I know I'm beating a lonely furrow wi' the Covid warnings......Last year 18th Oct daily infections 16,225..This year 18th Oct 42,123....  WAKE UP PEEPS!!! The pandemic is slowly but surely killing the human race. What will speed up the distruction and save ya all the bother of queuing to get ya winter booster jabs is that Fookin' lunatic Mark Zuckerberg taking on 10,000 peeps within the E.U. to promote and mould 'The Metaverse' in his vision.  For crying out loud!!!! The future? Is this what ya want?

Here in 'The Old Sidevalve Bar' where everything you see is in living 3D with real smells, touchy feely tools and seasonal temperature changes reality can be what you make it....Don't need the T.V.goggles cos I'm preparing to be the last man standing in reality. 

The 3D real life stainless race exhaust system is continuing along it's constructional route. Must tell ya, I'm feeling rich internal fulfilment at the moment (or even possibly 'stoked') from finishing the modifications that made an ebay purchased spurious stainless bend into a bespoke stainless bend. 'Yorkshireshireshire shed made 'n' bloody don't forget it! T.E.T. Here I come!!!

A 45 deg bend of the same diameter was duly ordered from the same supplier. A small off-cut trimmed from the first bend off-cut (Huh?) made ain insert to hold the 2 x bends while I 'Splatter MIG Welded' them together. Much of the usual grinding, filing, sanding, polishing and buffing pursued until 2 x bends were melded as one.

Next job in my 3D world of life is to fabricate the expansion entry cone. Enter stage left another piece of bend off-cut. Cut and spread to suit. 'Splatter MIG' all joints and slits before handworking into submissive bling. 

The 'Shire is alive' !!! I mean dirty and sweaty alive!!! Long may it remain so.. 

Stay tuned, stay analogue, and resist Zuckerberg.  Catch ya' next time.


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