Saturday, November 28, 2020

Full on into repair mode.2

  Greetings Blauwe muis fans.    It's A.C. here.   As I write the new normal is becoming the normal.   Ok for Mr G5chinotrousers but don't worry I'm still old oily-normal. (NoG4jeans) In fact pre Covid19, most peeps would have classed me as not normal.   Blooming heck!  So many normals! Too much choice.. Too many chances to swing to different normals.

Normal  Normal  Normal  Normal. What a silly word!

So, as the local brass band practices 'socially distanced' on the moors nearby I crack on with resto of Blauwe muis.

The rear shock repair/rebuild continues. Using 10mm Stainless bar stock I've made 2 x new piston rods. Whoops...had to make 3. One ended up a scrapper on the final threading operation...Damn. The thread galled as I removed the die. Ah well, who said engineering was easy?

For a week the seat base was zapped in my 70ltr electro rust removing bath. Big brown foamy head and a few leaves floating on the top but deep down in the depths the constant 12 volt had done a great job. 


Wire brushed, washed and then a lick of phosporic acid to stop the rust forming instantly as I readied the paint brush.


Through the keyhole update - Previously you saw some of the wildlife decor in The Old Sidevalve Bar'  (Ancient spider webs that money can't buy - not even Elon Musk, they belong to me and I ain't sellin'.)  So here's another glimse as to my shed normal.  Always have the radio tuned to Planet Rock or Absolute Rock.  If ya don't like loud rock or Giant House Spiders then stay home!!

Stay safe Vintafaker tip -

 Dine in on Yorkshire Pudding with lashings of gravy!  Cheap too!

  • 2 large free-range eggs
  • 100 g plain flour
  • 100 ml milk

        225°C/425°F/gas 9

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