Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Full on into repair mode.1

 Greetings, Alb here. Did I mention Covid19 and lockdown? Probably....Fully locked down in the Shire of York, (again) what a wonderful thing. A shed full of oily 'Old Skool' goodness and time to play with it... Just like Indiana Jones I passed by the bling goblets and for almost half a century I have been chosing my treasure wisely. (and cheaply)  Collecting the unwanted - the unfit for a skip. I'm richer than a rich man....

 Yes,  'The Holy Grail' - 'The Old Sidevalve Bar' it's the same story line - just a different film. Of course the entrance point is only known to the few that have survived the falling down cider initiation test. Once though the pallet-wood door then it's cobwebs and dead spiders a plenty...many have turned back assuming the sight of Alberts treasure would not be worth the horror of musty webs occasionally falling into hair and down the back of neck.... 

But fear not once in there's lockdown homebrew continually on the bubble so I'm self sufficient in ale. I've access to internetwebbything with a whole world of Ebay to shop for parts on, using my magical paypal account...

Blauwe muis is still getting the main attention. So here's my current status report.

Turned a couple of aluminium spring top locators on the lathe for the shock rebuild/repair project.  Material was of an unknown grade of aluminium but hey it was supplied F.O.C. so why not?

New rear chain and sprockets kit ordered on the ebay rather than direct Czechoslovakia. A UK seller but original source unknown. India? The bearing supplied for the cast hub/sprocket arrangement was the incorrect size. No worries, I shall salvage the original Czech one out of the old hub. Glad I did, a but notchy until a wash and regrease had it spinning like new. Where's that bearing been in the last 40 years? Where will it go in the future. ( Remember -A bearing is for life, respect a good bearing and they will respect you back) 

In went the old bearing.....but whats this? The groove that holds the retaining circlip was 1mm out of tolerance. HEY!! I'm going off road, where few men have been before....last thing I need is a wobbly rear wheel. Just not good enough.

Fixed by ordering a pack of 5x1mm bearing shims. A couple of £s to make it right. Small price. Any of you readers need a 1mm shim to fix your CZ ? I've 4x spares.

 Did give the UK Ebay seller polite feedback on the engineering abnormalities.... Phufff, no response, Sometimes being Mr Nice guy is a waste of time... He's probably bought 200 of them direct from manufacturer at very low rupee and doesn't have answers.

Hey hey it's flagon time. UK seller not my problem!!!

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