Sunday, November 8, 2020

Closer inspection 2 - and repairs start.

 Greetings blog readers.. Albert here, Inspection on-going so here's more close up views of the 'Blauwe muis'. Rear suspension units....Phuuuff! You could call them suspension but that wouldn't be a very accurate description.  'Rusty siezed Rods', that covers it better. I'm not keen on hitting the big Belgium boulders with these fella's as they are so let's start repair work. Wonderful, these units are designed to be stripped and rebuilt with very few tools.

Internet search found a couple of marvellous websites selling spares for Jawa CZs. Over in the 'Blauwe muis' homeland Czechoslovakia. Everything available and reasonably priced too. Placed an order for bushes, seals and new rods....Damn...only one rod news on when more stock would be arriving, but worst of all no others available in the whole world at the other suppliers...I'd bought the last one in captivity. Happy I owned one, but more sad I needed two..

A week later a parcel from the CZ homeland arrived at 'The Old Sidevalve Bar'. Rod, seals and bushes....but what's this? The rod is nothing like mine now I have the unit stripped....Damn..Last one in the world and it's no use to me.,,Cost £4.00. !!!!! Call it an investment, someone somewhere might be willing to pay big money for it....

Looks like I'm going to have to set too and make some. Of course I could buy universal chinese shockers for less than £40 but why? These originals need to go up and down again. To be brought back from the dead. What can possibly go wrong? Measuring the shocker rod with a micrometer has the diameter at 10mm. Yep, plain old 10mm not special manufactured to stop home engineers in their tracks. I can surely make a couple of replacements out of 10mm stainless rod, easily sourced on ebay. Pushed the buy it now on a metre and waited arrival, in the meantime attention turned to the shocker top. Cutting 2 out of steel plate was an option. Keeping all cuts straight and at 90deg to the face would be the challenge.

A grinder in a stand with a slitting disc was the best mechanical device I could lay my hands on. Slowly, slowly, catchy monkey is how to do it in 'The Old Sidevalve Bar' The holes for the shocker bush were pre-drilled as near as my holesaw range allowed. These will need to be re-sized in the lathe later as well as further shaping with my linisher. ( Read 'linisher' as flap discing and hand filing)

So dear reader - Keep looking for more news on the preparation of 'Blauwe muis'. Right now I need to test a new brew that has just finished fermenting. Gonna lift a couple of pints straight out the barrel top....No time for second fermenting in the bottle.....Going straight in!!!!I may be some time!!!!


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