Sunday, December 27, 2020

Full on into repair mode.3 & Ironic moment

 Greetings once again Blauwe muis fans. Preperation for the T.E.T attack continue. Ah, you may ask, when will that take place Albert? Good question !!!! Several major spoilers are being played out, it's a guessing game as to when but hey when the coast is clear I just might be ready.  

No 1 - The virus continues to spread north nearer and nearer to 'The Shire'....bad enough the germs are getting closer but on it's way it has mutated. Down in the Big Metropolis Smoke where all the the Thespians and Investment #anking Costa Quoffers mingle, a new breed of Covid19 is now among them....VUI-202012/01. Thank goodness the 'Old Sidevalve Bar' is locked down with The Blauwe Muis safely inside. Don't want any Vui at my gaffe.

No2. Brexit....5 years of pontificating between Blighty and Euronations has just ended.....The full technical implications as yet unknown. Riding the T.E.T tracks across muddy Flanders fields was becoming a 'not might be possible ever'. The Brexit end movement before check-mate (blaming covid VUI) was Morngy Manu having our sprouts from Brussels locked down in France and sacrificing 1500 polish lorry drivers to spend christmas on the M20. Blimey! christmas ain't christmas without sprouts!!!! Combien de petoncles voulez-vous Monsieur Thibaut?

 Sacré bleu.....Verdammt  !!!! Time I made a quick call to Ursula. 

"Hi Sweetie, I'm sending Pizza over for you and Michel !!. Any chance ya can both work late and see about keep the Belgium Butterwoods tariff free? "

"Wir werden unser Bestes geben, meine Liebe, bis bald" 


Hang on !!! Never mind politics and world events....Let have a look at some important stuff. 

Progress on Blauwe Muis continues. You will know from earlier posts I started repairing the rear shocks a while ago. It has taken me some time, but there has been forward advancement. Sourced the seals and bushes from Jawaspares in Czechoslovakia, The rod was made from 10mm stainless barstock and the shock top and spring plate were sourced out of the off-cut bin. 

Here's the pictures of the grand final.

Made a diagram of the valve reeds to help re-assembly. Crude yes, but I understood it and if it should ever fall into enemy hands then world security will not be compromised.

The original owners handbook contained the relevant data for oil replacement. Information on fading paper spanning the decades from simpler times. In fact how ironic that the last time these shock internals saw daylight was in 1973....That wouldn't be the year Blighty joined the EU would it ??? Spooky?

 YOWZA !!!!

Posh.....what have we got stored in the beer cellar......Any specials? Think this occasion deserves cracking open one of my last Westmalles.....Cheers to the Butterwoods....Cheers to Flanders fields......Cheers to Ardennes sausages.... I'm a bit nearer the T.E.T. (even if it's only in my soul)

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