Monday, June 28, 2021

Competition Fabricating No1-Part1

 Aye up! Albert here. Yep, I'm still surviving the complications of a modern world. Deadly Covid19 plagues now heading in from India (now on Super Delta variant and counting) and comical political garbage fisty cuffs from both sides of the channel continuing to knock the will to live out of those few that take note.. and those who unfortunately catch a stray megabyte whilst logging into this blog. Luckily the anti-bullsh#t force field around 'The Old Sidevalve Bar' repels 99% of anything that's not got common sense spelt through it. It's business as usual you will be glad to know. Filing, grinding, welding, electo derusting and plating, wheel building, spray painting, engine tuning....hang on, hang on....enough!

Bad news...looking like the opportunity to ride the deep mud of Flanders on the 'Blauwe Muis' is continuing to ebb further and further into the future. Why you may ask.... Here's the latest (and it won't be the last reason) because a Sausage War is being played out on both sides of 'The Channel'... EU borders shut to Blighty Bangers.

Ursula - "Ich mag das englische Schweinefleisch nicht"

Albert -"Then you've never been to 'PorkShire' my luv. There's enough chairs and chipolatas for everyone. Listen....Wi don't need to argue over sausage...wi can still be chums... don't be morngy.

As Tommy Atkins and family are forced to holiday in UK and the crowds start to invade the 'Dales of the Shire' ya Uncle Albert stays home and leaves the cheap package brigade to float on rubber dinghies in the River Wharfe, block the roads with bad parking and driving with all the care and attention to take out a cyclist or two Phuffff.....Open up Costa del drinky I can'na takes na more!!!!! Well I can really, I've been making a special competition part for the Blauwe Muis..

A bash plate. Having heard that some of Flanders Fields isn't flat but liable to contain a few rocks and maybe a small hillock I thought sump protection maybe a good idea. My stock of metal is varied to say the least and not intensive. Do happen to have a rather large slap of 3mm stainless plate. Bonus, it looks like it's the right size near as damn it. Not only would this stand the seismic shock of being rammed at speed into a hidden boulder but cor blimey  it would be very blingy.... The Old Sidevalve Bar does not have the tooling to bend such a mighty thickness so sly creasing grooves inserted with a cutting disc on the back to ease the process were required. I'll weld the folds once bent. Don't at this stage have a plan...just thinking it's gonna work.

Aye, if that don't deserve an ale or 2 then we aint talking the same lingo.

Stay safe till next time...

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